Erica White

Embezzlement in California: Insights from a Criminal Defense Attorney

In this informative blog post, a seasoned criminal defense attorney from Shawky Law sheds light on the intricacies of embezzlement charges in California. Understanding the legal definition of embezzlement, the potential consequences, and the importance of strong legal representation is crucial for those facing such allegations. Learn about defense strategies, protecting your rights, and navigating the complexities of the California Penal Code when accused of embezzlement. Whether you’re seeking insights into the law or expert guidance, this blog post serves as a valuable resource to gain a deeper understanding of embezzlement in the Golden State.

VAWA: Empowering Immigrant Survivors | Shawky Law

Are you an immigrant survivor seeking legal protection in Los Angeles, Riverside, or Orange County? Discover the comprehensive safeguards and immigration benefits provided by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) through the expertise of Shawky Law. Our experienced immigration attorneys specialize in supporting survivors and navigating the complexities of VAWA, empowering you to break free from abuse and reclaim your independence. From self-petitioning for immigration benefits to securing legal remedies, our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way. Visit our website at to learn more about our personalized legal strategies and take the first step towards safety, justice, and a brighter future. Don’t wait—let Shawky Law be your trusted advocate in protecting your rights as an immigrant survivor.

Navegando el Contacto con la Policía: Reflexiones del Arresto de Fuerza Regida

Los recientes sucesos en torno al arresto de los miembros de la banda Fuerza Regida en Los Ángeles han generado un importante debate sobre los encuentros con la policía, los derechos individuales y la necesidad de respuestas informadas. En esta publicación del blog, exploraremos más a fondo este arresto e incorporaremos los consejos brindados por la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU) sobre qué hacer si te encuentras en una situación similar. Es crucial entender tus derechos y cómo protegerte al interactuar con las fuerzas del orden. Empodérate con el conocimiento para afrontar estas situaciones con confianza y asegurar que se respeten tus derechos.

Navigating Police Contact: Insights from the Fuerza Regida Arrest

In this informative blog post, learn how to protect your rights when facing police contact. Gain valuable insights on what to do and what to avoid during encounters with law enforcement. Understand the power of remaining calm, exercising your right to remain silent, and documenting important details. Empower yourself with the knowledge to navigate these situations confidently and ensure your rights are respected.